10 things I learnt from Suits

Suits was always a show everyone was recommending based on the fact that I am a lawyer.  I never had any interest in watching it for two reasons 1) I spend all day everyday in a law firm and 2) it is based on American Law.   The law in America is completely different and I find law shows based on English law more relatable.

I did however, get swept up with Meghan fever this year and decided to give it a go.  I fell in love from the first episode and watched the first couple of series very quickly.  I then started watching with Rob and it became something we only watched together.  Last night we finished series 7 and now have the wait for series 8.  I am interested in how the show will develop without Rachel and Mike.

So, what did I learn from Suits 

  1. I need to wear more pencil skits – appearance does matter
  2. Always take responsibility for your mistakes and choices
  3. “When you are backed against the wall, break the goddamn thing down”
  4. Confidence is important
  5. There is always a way.   It doesn’t matter how bad your start is or how life gets in the way, there is always a way around it
  6. Love can happen when you least expect it  (Rachel & Mike, Harvey & Donna etc.)
  7. The importance of a good legal secretary. I need my firm to hire a Donna ASAP
  8. Take more risks – they can and do pay off
  9. Family is not always how you expect it to be.  Work colleagues can be your family and you need to always treat them with the same respect you would anyone else
  10. Always be prepared & know your opposition before you face them


What did you learn from Suits?


Love, Minnie xoxo 


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